Interior House Painter Strathfield

Incredible Painting Ideas to Make Your Hallway Warm & Welcoming

When it comes to undertaking an interior house painting job at a stringent budget, most homeowners get perplexed to choose between living areas, kitchen and bathrooms but hallways often go neglected.  Beautifully painted hallways not just enhance the aesthetic appeal of the interiors but make your home inviting for guests. If you are looking for cost-effective upgrades to give your home a quick facial uplift, painting hallways can be a good idea. 

Hallways are transitional spaces and thus, you need to maintain a seamless flow between rooms to keep the aesthetics intact. When painting a hallway, the first and foremost thing you need to consider is the look and feel you want to incorporate into your space. For instance, an entryway will probably have a different look and feel than a hallway that merge between rooms. Other factors you need to consider are whether your hallway is dark or there is plenty of natural light penetration, is the space wide or narrow etc,. All these factors will influence the colour scheme and help you get the desired look you wished for.

Paint Colours to Apply in a Hallway with No Windows

For hallways with no windows and doors, professional painter in Strathfield recommends applying lighter shades of blue or green. That’s necessarily because of limited natural light penetration. Lighter hues will create a sense of openness and make your hallway look brighter and lively. If you want to create the illusion of natural light, you may go for a double-toned approach by using a darker shade on the bottom of the wall and a lighter tone on top.

Painting a Dark Hallway- Colours that Fits Best

Contrary to the popular belief, using plain white in the base isn’t a good option for a dark hallway. However, it is not feasible to apply dark shades either. With limited flow of natural light, you have to choose colours wisely that can brighten up your hallway, instead of making it look darker and cramped.  If you are inspired by several hallway painting samples online and planning to apply teal blue or green by interior house painter in Strathfield, you should skip the idea as it would make your space look even dull. Warm colour neutral shades are always an ideal choice for dark hallways. Go for soft greys, beige, peach or warm blush tones for a vibrant space. 

Colours That Open up Narrow Hallways

If your home features a narrow hallway, look for colour schemes that can open up space. Lighter shades of blue, pink, green or peach can create the illusion of a bigger space and make your hallway look welcoming. Don’t limit yourself to white as some shades might not fit well in your space. Moreover, white can highlight scuffs or marks in high-traffic areas which may give an unsightly appearance. Instead of plain white, consider blush tones, beige or soft grey to create more depth in your hallway.

At Delight Painting Services, our team comprises of professional painter in Strathfield who have extensive knowledge and expertise in spray painting, texture coating, interior and exterior painting services tailored to meet your diverse needs. With more than 10years of combined experience in the industry, we pledge to offer meticulous results that underline highest efficacy and professionalism and make your house look great for decades. If you are inspired to give your home a stunning uplift, speak to our vetted specialists and ask for a free quote anytime!